Welcome to my Blog

I want to share with you what I have learned about teaching and learning Spanish and the cultures of Latin America. I created BiLingo Kidz to interest young people in travel and the pursuit of a second language. I hope users of BiLingo Kidz will join me and ask questions or comment on what they are learning.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico

The city of Guanajuato is the capital of the state with the same name in Central Mexico. Mexico is divided into 31 states with capital cities much like the United States. Mexico D. F. (Districto Federal) is the capital of the country much like Washington D.C. (District of Colombia) is the capital city of the United States.

Guanajuato is known for it's colonial charm, historical significance and cultural richness of dance, music, and theatre. According to the Guanajuato website, residents started performing Cervantes plays in 1953. The International Cervantes Festival is now a major International event in Guanajuato each year in October.

Diego, the BilingoKiz character for Mexico, is from Guanajuato. He is a 14 year who plays soccer and belongs to a group of folk dancers. Below Diego is pictured in front of the Teatro Juarez.

Mexican Folk Dance displays colorful costumes unique for each region.  The dances have historical or cultural significance and they honor the cultural diversity of Mexico. Be sure to attend a traveling tour if they appear in your area. 

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