Welcome to my Blog

I want to share with you what I have learned about teaching and learning Spanish and the cultures of Latin America. I created BiLingo Kidz to interest young people in travel and the pursuit of a second language. I hope users of BiLingo Kidz will join me and ask questions or comment on what they are learning.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

To Learn a second language or not to learn

Several years ago I took a Chinese class.  Besides wanting to learn some Chinese, as a foreign language teacher, I felt it important to be able to again understand what it was like in a class and not understand a word!  I did well in the class but I longed to learn more and have more of an immersion type experience.  I needed more repetitions than the class was able to give me.  I longed for a program like BiLingo Kidz in Chinese where a learner can listen and study independently.  For me, as a teacher and as a learner, repetition is the key to learning not only correct pronunciation but correct sentence structure in context.  

Several years later I attended a TPRS (Teaching for Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) conference  where I had the opportunity to again learn some Chinese using TPRS techniques.  I learned so much in about 20 hours because of the constant repetition and it was so much fun!  Of course having an instructor is more fun than working off a software program but either way one can learn. 

Parents often find themselves without a class for their younger children.  Most schools in the United States wait until high school to teach a second language. This practice directly affects correct pronunciation.  Many parents start before or after school programs but they are difficult to maintain with schedules, car pools, and finding teachers. 

I am currently lucky to have a Chinese student living with me.  Of course I had to practice my minuscule amount of Chinese with her.  Most of the time she didn't have a clue as to what I was saying as I had picked up some bad pronunciation habits.  Not my teacher's fault, just a lack of repetition and reading. At any rate, I practice and get corrected and practice and get corrected again and again.  At this rate I don't know that I will ever be fluent but hopefully not completely illiterate when I visit China. 

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